Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty by G. Neri

Question #1:
Sometimes when we read, certain words or phrases stand out. Maybe they are words or phrases that make an impression because of their sound, or maybe the meaning strikes us.
Sometimes we find words or expressions we do not understand.

Share one word, sentence or phrase that stands out to you AND explains why you chose this word, sentence or phrase.


  1. Black Disciples is the word that stood out to me becuase not a lot of 11 years old are in gangs and i think that Yummy didn't have to prove to the Balck Diciples anything, so he should have never shot Shavon Dean Because she was an innocent girl that didn't do anything to anyone. I Think that no one should take another persons life.

  2. The sentence that grabbed my attention was "I live on normal avenue but i guess normal is different to different folks." I chose this sentence because a lot of people think other nieghborhoods are not normal but they're normal to the people that live there. For example in the movie Hoop Dreams the two boys have to travel to a fancy suburb to go to school from the Robert Taylor Homes. Which makes a lot of people at the school think badly of them.

  3. @Eliza- I agree that yummy didn't have to prove to the Black Diciples by killing a person makes him loyal, but i dont think he meant to kill Shavon. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

  4. @ Jose, I agree with you, becuase people do see neighborhoods different then from how someone sees it when they live there. Like the city if someone goes to the city that lives in the suburbs they would think that the city is a crazy place to be, and if a person from the city comes to the suburbs they would think that the suburbs are quite.

  5. When he was going to be recruted suprised me because of how young he was and it was crazy how he was becoming a gang member of the Black Disciples

  6. @ jose- i agree that he also didnt have to kill someone to prove something to the black disciples
