Monday, May 2, 2011

Yummy: the Last Days of a Southside Shorty by G. Neri

Question #6: Create a soundtrack for a scene in your book. First, pick a scene and explain it in 2-3 sentences. Add in a link to a Youtube video that you think would make a perfect soundtrack for that scene. Make sure to explain WHY that particular song works for that particular scene.



    The scene that this song goes with is when Yummy is escaping out of Juvie and he startes to steal and he is a gangbanger.


    The scene that i choose would be when Yummy turned out to be in the Black Disciple Nation. Even though Yummy is 11 he wants to be a part of something and he dont care what he does to be in the BDN. This song reminds me of Yummy situation because hes young but he still live a thug life.


    This song goes with the book because it shows the effects of being in a gang. And how you can lose someone that you care for any day.

  4. @ Yvette & Jose- I think that its funny how we all picked bone thugs & harmony to be our songs. I think that Bone thugs & harmony rap about whats really going on in the streets & they're the best group for this book. (:

  5. @ Eliza-
    I think the same thing also because even though they don't rap about other things like girls and stuff, they rap about life and how it went down or how it goes down the way they see it.

  6. @ Jose-
    I think that the songs we picked go with the book because it describes his life and how yummy grew up.

  7. @Yvette- Yea i know that all are songs go with the book because they demonstrate the things that happen in the book. For example when Yummy is stealing.
