Monday, May 16, 2011

Crackback by John Coy

Project #3:
Write another part of the story where you describe what happened to the main character after the story ended.
*Respond to one other post.


  1. If i could write another part of the story after it ended. I would go with Miles being with Lucia and them being in love. Also that Miles didnt play football anymore and kept his mind of school,having fun,and being with Lucia. I think this because at the end Miles was told by his coach that he wouldnt play any more game. So thats why i feel that if the story wouldve continued,that Miles wouldnt play anymore. Also at the end, Miles kissed Lucia. So now theyre together as a couple.So thats what i think happened to the character after the story ended.

  2. The other part of the ending would be that miles and lucia would get together and they will go to homecoming and miles would get to play again but they would lose at their last game of the playoffs.

  3. My version of the end of the book would be.... Coach Sepolski would become head coach and not Stahl. Miles and Lucia would be in love. Miles and his dad woulod be closer. And Miles would win state his senior year like he always dreamed of. It would end with him and Lucia going to the same college.

  4. @Jesus- I think that Lucia and Miles will go to homecoming and will remain together. I would write that they win in the playoffs and succeed his goal of playing in the state game and win.

  5. @erick... yup he should not keep playing cause every time he does something good, his coach doesnt like it and sometimes his dad does the same thing to him.

  6. @Pat-i agree,that does seems like something that would happen after the book ended.I feel that Coach Sepolski is a better head coach than Coach,because he knows how to manage a team better,and can reconize whats better for the team.Also i agree with Miles and Lucia falling in love after the book ended,because at the end of the book,they kissed and seemed to be happy with eachother.I also think that Miles and his dad would be closer because i think his dad would realize that Miles is good at other things as well,and that football isnt everything.I do think that Miles and Lucia would end up going to college because they both have the potential to go,but idk if they would go to the same one.
