Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Crackback by John Coy

Question #2:
We are sometimes pulled toward one or two characters in the story. We identify with them or feel sympathy for them.

Which characters do you identify with in the book AND why do you identify with them?


  1. I can identify myself with Miles. I know what he has to go through during football season. When i used to play football, we used to play in the heat all day and get yelled at, but our coach did it to make us strong.

  2. I identify myself with Miles. In my football season i had problems with my coach because he would always say that i needed more work on my skills when i knew that i tryed my best.

  3. @Pat.. your right cause the heat over here is crazy, and the coaches get more pickly.

  4. i can identify with Miles also because i would get screamed at by coaches all the time.and it would suck working hard,in the blazing heat,while someone is screaming at you to go harder.

  5. @pat- yeah bro,it sucks.and the heat makes you crazy.sometimes i dont know how i dont snap back at the coaches. and when your tried,those are the moments when coaches pick on you the most

  6. @Jesus- Some coaches can be jerks when it comes to pushing yourself. Only you know what your full potential is, no one else.
